Profile PictureMinou Schillings

The Regen Future Library - 100+ Recommendations For Regenerative Leaders

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Many people want to build a better future, create better businesses and take action on regeneration.

But they don't

Because of three reasons

  1. They are overwhelmed by uncertainty
  2. They think they are facing the challenge alone
  3. They don't know where to get started

The consequence?

Intrinsically driven people, with valuable ideas and tremendous energy stick to "business as usual". This is a loss for the earth, for humanity and for businesses.

To minimize this loss I created The Regenerative Pathways Library.

How will this help me?

The Thriving Future Guide helps you to explore the transformation to a regenerative, just and resilient future at your own pace.

Everyone who ever entered a new industry, or position knows how long it can take to wrap their head around things. You often spend a lot of time getting site tracked or just completely unaware of the "must-reads" and "must-dos".

This guide will help you to navigate the regenerative business space and accelerate your (un)learning curve.

What can I use The Thriving Future Guide For?

The guide helps you to explore the many pathways towards a regenerative future. The library is divided into five main themes

  1. Business Transformations
  2. Inner Regeneration
  3. Organization Culture & Leadership
  4. Nature's Wisdom
  5. Systems Change
  6. Worldview
  7. Unlearning

What is regeneration?

"An organization or being that gives back more than it takes through everything it does; this goes beyond circular and sustainable and provides additional value back to nature and society. It’s a system that is designed to create ecological value over time." Leyla Acaroglu

Who is this for?

Anyone who feels overwhelmed by the amount of information, resources, frameworks and tools in the sustainability and regeneration space. And needs some help structuring and navigating this huge wave of resources

User Recommendation

Laura Tufis - Impact-first Marketer: "I believe the library is a useful resource for both people getting started with regenerative thinking as well as for the ones who're a bit further along the journey. It features eye-opening and inspiring materials across a large spectrum (from inner development to organisational culture and leadership), it's easy to navigate and it gives clear overviews, making it easy to know where to start, depending on what your focus is at a certain moment."

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Life-long access to the constantly evolving and expanding Regenerative Pathways Resource Library.

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The Regen Future Library - 100+ Recommendations For Regenerative Leaders

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